Ancient O‘ahu: Stories from Thrum and Fornander. Fourteen traditional Hawaiian stories set on the island of O‘ahu, with maps. Revised Edition: 2016. 132 pages. $10.95

About this book: These are stories of O‘ahu before high rises, freeways and hotels, before sugar plantations and pineapple fields, before churches and Bibles. Culled from the collections of Abraham Fornander (1812-1887) and Thomas G. Thrum (1842-1932), the stories present an ancient history of the island and its first people, telling of the heroes, ancestral spirits, and demigods who performed good works and punished evil-doers. On the Recommended Summer Reading List for Kamehameha Schools.

Available from and UH Press.


Pumaia: The Pig Farmer of Pukoula

An online version of Ancient O‘ahu was developed for the Kapi‘olani Community College’s Asia-Pacific Digital Library: Traditions of O‘ahu: Stories of an Ancient Island.

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