SPARC traps
- SPARC traps
- trap entry
- trap types
- trap exit
- interrupt priorities
- window traps
SPARC traps
- machine failure: reset
- memory failure: instruction/data/register access error,
instruction/data access exception, unaligned access
- page faults: instruction/data MMU miss (virtual address not mapped
to physical memory)
- window over/underflow
- privileged/illegal instruction
- fp/integer exceptions
- trap instruction
- interrupts
trap entry
- clear ET (Enable Trap) bit (if already clear, reset machine).
This disables all interrupts.
- copy S bit to PS bit, and set S to 1 (supervisory)
- decrement CWP (trap handler can use local registers)
- store pc into %l0, npc into %l1,
psr into %l2.
- set trap type into tt field (bits 4-11) of TBR
(trap base register)
- load:
- pc from [tbr]
- npc from [tbr + 4]
- start executing instructions again
trap types
- each interrupt and exception has its tt field
- the trap instruction ta has tt values
- low-order 7 bits of trap argument (+128) determine specific trap
- e.g. ta 0 gives a tt values of 0x80, for
system calls
trap exit: re-execute instruction
jmpl %l0, %g0
rett %l1
- jmpl loads npc from %l0
- rett does:
- pc is set to npc from jmpl
- increment CWP
- load npc from %l1
- copy the PS bit to the S bit
- set ET to 1
- the sequence jmpl, rett is required
- thanks to jmpl, rett has no delay slot
- what if we want to skip over the instruction that executed the trap?
trap exit: execute next instruction
jmpl %l1, %g0
rett %l1 + 4
- jmpl loads npc from %l1
- rett does:
- pc is set to npc from jmpl
- increment CWP
- load npc with %l1 + 4
- copy the PS bit to the S bit
- set ET to 1
- why is the sequence jmpl, rett required?
interrupt priorities
- each interrupt and exception has a fixed priority
- before each instruction execution, highest priority interrupt
is executed
- interruptlevel15 has priority 17, the highest interrupt priority
- interruptlevel1 has priority 31, the least
- PIL (processor interrupt level) field in PSR determines which
interrupts can happen.
- interruptlevel15 cannot be disabled by PIL value
- traps and exceptions cannot be disabled
- assumption: disabled interrupt will persist until we lower the PIL
show trap table on page 297, fig. 12.1
register window traps
- what happens when we run out of register windows?
- Answer: trap to the kernel
- what can the kernel do?
register window overflow example
- 64 registers, 8 groups of 8
- in A
- local A
- out A -- in B
- local B
- out B -- in C
- local C
- out C -- in D
- local D
- when D starts execution, the WIM bit corresponding to the
CWP is 1, marking the window as invalid
- when D executes save, we have a window overflow trap
window overflow trap: hardware response
- hardware decrements CWP to point to "invalid" window (with
valid local registers)
- pc, npc, and psr saved into %l0...%l2
- user program cannot use local registers before CWP is decremented,
CWP is decremented as part of trap, so local registers are available
window overflow trap: OS response
- decrement CWP again to point to the oldest register set
- copy registers to location pointed to by %sp of this
register set
- copy in and local registers to location pointed to by %sp of this
- increment CWP twice to point to register set before save
- rotate WIM to indicate new valid window
- return from trap and re-execute save