Leeward Community College
Information & Computer Sciences
Course Syllabus - FALL 2017 (CRN: 54459)
ICS 212 - PROGRAM STRUCTURE (3 credits)

Instructor:William McDaniel Albritton
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:15am-10:15am (Walk-ins and appointments welcome!)
Office Location:DA 212
Contact:(808) 455-0319 (walbritt AT Hawaiʻi DOT EDU)

Our goal

Our goal for this class is for all students to succeed in learning the material.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas Edison

Class days, times, and room

Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-11:45am in BS 105

Catalog Course Description

Program organization paradigms, programming environments, implementation of a module from specifications, the C and C++ programming languages.




ICS 211 with a grade of "B" or higher, or instructor consent.

Recommended Preparations


Textbooks and other Resources

The C Book, second edition by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran (free)
Website: http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/

C++ Programming by Wikibooks (free)
Website: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C%2B%2B_Programming

C: How to Program (6th, 7th, or 8th Edition) by Paul Deitel and Harvey M. Deitel (optional)
Website: http://www.deitel.com/Books/C/CHowtoProgram8e/tabid/3664/Default.aspx

Required software

We will use Secure Shell (SSH) on the PC and the Terminal Window on the Mac to connect to UH Information Technology Services (ITS) RedHat Linux 7 operating system, which contains the editors and compilers we will use this semester. Your must compile and run on the RedHat Linux 7 operating system using the gcc or g++ compiler.

Student Learning Outcomes

Grading Policy

Grading and feedback

Show me your assignment in class for grading and feedback before the deadline. If you cannot attend class or if you are not finished with your assignment in class, email your assignment to me before the deadline. The grade for your assignment is recorded in Laulima. The feedback for your assignment is given verbally in the class or by email.

Assignment submission instructions via email

  1. Top of your assignment file:
    Short description of .
    Last Name, First Name
    ICS 212 Assignment X
    Today's Date
  2. Filename of your assignment: LastnameFirstnameX.c or LastnameFirstnameX.cpp (Note: For example, SuzukiBubba5.c would be submitted for the fifth assignment if Bubba Suzuki were submitting it.)
  3. "To" field of e-mail: The instructor's e-mail address: W Albritt at Hawai'i DOT edu
  4. "Cc" field of e-mail: Your UH e-mail address (username@hawaii.edu) (That way, if the instructor does not get your email for some reason, you have proof that it was sent.)
  5. Subject of email: ics 212 #x (where 'x' is the assignment number) For example, the fifth assignment would be: ics 212 #5
  6. Body of email: Copy and paste the latest version of your . That way, we have your program even if you forgot to attach it. Also, copy and paste your makefile below your .
  7. Attachments: Attach your LastnameFirstnameX.c (or .cpp) file and makefile. DO NOT submit the LastnameFirstnameX.o file, a zip file, or an executable file.
  8. After you send your e-mail: Be sure to double-check your assignment submission by opening the e-mail that you sent to the instructor, downloading the attached , and compiling and running the to make sure it works, and that it is the that you intended to submit. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SENDING THE CORRECT PROGRAM. No excuses will be accepted.

Assignment grading guidelines

  1. Submission:
  3. Naming:
  4. Format:
  5. Output:
  6. Program crashes:
  7. Program does not compile:
  8. (-1 to -5 points) Miscellaneous bugs, mistakes, or problems.
  9. You can share ideas and concepts with other students, but do NOT share code or comments.

Late assignments

Before the due date, assignments can be turned in multiple times without deduction in points. After the due date, one point is deducted for late assignments. One week after the due date, late assignments will NOT be accepted.

Excused late assignments

In the case of serious illness, emergency, or death in the family, contact the instructor as soon as possible. You need to show proof, such as a doctor's note, obituary, etc. After the due date, one point is NOT deducted for excused late assignments. One week after the due date, excused late assignments will NOT be accepted.

Makeup exams

No makeup exams will be given. If you missed the 1st exam, the 2nd exam will also count as your 1st exam. If you missed the 2nd exam, the 3rd exam will also count as your 2nd exam. If you missed the 1st and 2nd exams, the 3rd exam will also count as your 1st and 2nd exams.


See the Leeward CC policy on incompletes at: http://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/about-grades. In this class, an incomplete is only given to students who could not attend the 3rd exam, due to hardship situations. The makeup date for 3rd exam will be the first day of the next semester. You need to show proof, such as a doctor's note, obituary, etc.

Optional assignments

1. Complete Optional Assignment #1 (Who am I?).
2. Post at least 5 times to Discussion and Private Messages Postings on Laulima.
3. Talk story with me at least 5 minutes in my office within the first 5 weeks of the semester.
4. Volunteer in your community at least once. Please provide proof of your volunteering.
5. Fill out the eCAFE evaluation at the end of the semester.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty cannot be condoned by the University. Such dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism (examples of which are given below), which violate the Student Conduct Code and could result in expulsion from the University.

Cheating includes but is not limited to giving unauthorized help during an examination, obtaining unauthorized information about an examination before it is administered, using inappropriate sources of information during an examination, altering the record of any grades, altering answers after an examination has been submitted, falsifying any official University record, and misrepresenting the facts in order to obtain exemptions from course requirements.

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting any document, to satisfy an academic requirement, that has been copied in whole or part from another individual’s work without identifying that individual; neglecting to identify as a quotation a documented idea that has not been assimilated into the student’s language and style, or paraphrasing a passage so closely that the reader is misled as to the source; submitting the same written or oral material in more than one course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved; or dry-labbing, which includes (a) obtaining and using experimental data from other students without the express consent of the instructor, (b) utilizing experimental data and laboratory write-ups from other sections of the course or from previous terms during which the course was conducted, and (c) fabricating data to fit the expected results.

Leeward CC Course Syllabi Statements

Here are a few more Leeward CC Course Syllabi Statements.