/* Asks the user to enter two doubles, then adds the numbers and displays the sum */ //input & output stream header file - library of functions for I/O #include /* C++ standard library namespace If we don't use this code at the top of our program, we have to wrote "std::" in front of each standard library reserve word (std::cout instead of cout) In multiple-file programs, namespace is used to avoid naming conflicts */ using namespace std; int main(){ //enter 1st double double number1 = 0; //cout<< is used for output cout<<"Enter a double: "; //cin >> is used for input cin>>number1; //enter 2nd double double number2 = 0; cout<<"Enter another double: "; cin>>number2; //add and display double sum = number1 + number2; /* "endl" has the letter 'L' at the end NOT the number one ('1') */ cout<