Guidelines |
· Use descriptive names for all variables, function names, constants, and other identifiers. Use single letter identifiers only for the counter in loops. · Variable names start with lower case. · Multi-word identifiers are internally capitalized. · Do not use hyphens or underscores to separate multi-word identifiers (exception only for those who use speech recognition software). |
Example |
private static float sumOfSquares = 0; |
Counter |
private static float Sum = 0; private static float sumofsquares = 0; private static float sum_of_squares = 0; private static float x = 0; |
Guidelines |
Every class should be preceded with a descriptive comment using the "JavaDoc" notational convention. The comment should name the class, describe its purpose, and name the author. For ICS 111, also add assignment, date, and bug information. |
Example |
/** * Prints a haiku. * @author Suzuki, Susan * @assignment ICS 111 Assignment 1 * @date September 1, 2006 * @bugs None */ public class Haiku { //... } |
Guidelines |
Every method should be preceded with a descriptive comment using the "JavaDoc" notational convention. The comment should name the method, describe its purpose, comment all arguments, the return value, and any exceptions using JavaDoc keywords. (Omit @return and @exception, if the return value is void or there are no exceptions thrown.) |
Example |
/** * Attempts to print a word. Indicates whether printing was possible. * @param word to print, must not contain spaces * @return true if printer is available, false otherwise * @exception MyException if there are any spaces in the word */ public boolean printWord(String word) throws SpacesFoundException { //... } |
Guidelines |
Every public variable should be preceded with a descriptive comment using the "JavaDoc" notational convention. The comment should describe the purpose for the public variable. |
Example |
/** Toggles between Frame and NoFrame mode. */ public boolean FrameMode = True; |
Guidelines |
In-line comments should be used to explain complicated sections of code, such as loops. Use the // comment delimiter for in-line comments. Do not comment generally known features of the java language. |
Example |
// Do a 3D transmogrification on the matrix. for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < matrix.length; k++) { values.transmogrify(matrix[i],matrix[j],matrix[k]); |
Counter |
i++; // increments i // the variable "i" loops from 0 to the length of matrix. for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { //... } |
Guidelines |
Use two blank lines to separate each method within a class definition. Use one blank line to separate logical sections of code within a method. |
Example |
public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println ("Hello" + " " + "World"); }
public void foo() { : } |
Guidelines |
· Put a single space before every "{". · Separate all operators such as "+" with a single space. |
Example |
public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println("Hello" + " " + "World"); |
Counter |
public static void main(String[] arg){ System.out.println("Hello"+" "+"World"); |
Guidelines |
· Indent two spaces when beginning a new block. · Open braces (i.e. "{") do not start a new line. · Close braces (i.e. "}") do start a new line, and are indented with the code they close. · Comments line up with the block they comment. |
Example |
for (int i=0; i < args.length; i = i + 1) { vals.insertElementAt(new Float (args[i]), i); // Transmogrify is incremental and more efficient inside the loop. vals.transmogrify(); } |
Counter |
for (int i=0; i < args.length; i = i + 1) { vals.insertElementAt(new Float (args[i]), i); // Transmogrify is incremental and more efficient inside the loop. vals.transmogrify(); } |
Guidelines |
· Classes begin with a capital letter. · Packages are all lower case. · Methods begin with a lower case letter. · Multi-word identifiers are internally capitalized in methods. |
Examples |
package foo.bar.baz; public class MeanStandardDeviation private Vector getNewVector(Vector oldVector) { |
Counter |
package Foo.Bar.Baz; public class Meanstandarddeviation private Vector GetNewVector(Vector oldVector) { |
Guidelines |
· Lines of code should be kept short, generally less than 80 characters wide. · Each public class is contained in a separate file. · Each file has the name of the public class contained within it. · Avoid the use of the default package. |
Websites |
· Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language by Sun Microsystems: http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/ · How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool by Sun Microsystems: http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/writingdoccomments/index.html |
Originally created by Dr. Philip Johnson (http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/~johnson/613f99/java-coding-standard.html)
Modified by William Albritton and Dr. Jan Stelovsky