Tool for Intergenerational Transmission Assessment
With almost one third of human languages facing imminent extinction (Lee & Van Way, 2016), the identification and the assessment of the vitality of these languages has become a major priority for many disciplines, including the fields of linguistics, public health, ethnobotany, etc. The vitality of a language is usually assessed using one of several scales (e.g., Fishman 1990’s Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale; Lewis & Simons 2010’s Expanded Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale; the UNESCO Framework, amongst others). The touchstone for language revitalization scales is Fishman’s (1991) Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (GIDS), which is an eight-point scale of a language’s vitality. Here we focus on the Expanded GIDS (Lewis & Simons, 2010), as this provides a more thorough breakdown of stages of language vitality. These stages range from Extinct (level 10) to International (level 0). The crucial point in the scale is when the language tips from Vigorous (level 6a, ’The language is used orally by all generations and is being learned by children as their first language’) to Threatened (level 6b, ’The language is used orally by all generations but only some of the child-bearing generation are transmitting it to their children’).
The importance of IGT is shown to similar degrees in other scales used in the field as well: The UNESCO Framework (2009); the Ethnologue Vitality Categories (Lewis, 2009), etc. Perhaps no where is this shown more clearly than in the most recent of such scales: the Endangered Language Index, put forward by the Endangered Language Catalogue (ElCat). In a recently published position piece, two of the developers of ElCat say the following: ’Just as other frameworks, such as the GIDS and EGIDS, have recognized intergenerational transmission to be the most critical factor in assessing vitality, ELCat also views intergenerational transmission as essential to ensuring language vitality: ’the importance of intergenerational transmission is irrefutable, for it is certain that a language ultimately faces extinction if the younger generation has no knowledge of it. ELCat identifies intergenerational transmission as the most critical factor in assessing level of endangerment.’ (Lee & Van Way, p.12-13).
yet, despite the singular importance of IGT, no RIGOROUS AND REPRODUCIBLE
METHOD exists for assessing whether a minority/threatened language is being
transmitted to the next generation. When researchers report that a language is
/ is not being transmitted, the evidence provided is occasionally qualitatively
quite robust (e.g., Gao,
2015), though never quantitatively documented. And in fact, in most cases,
evidence for IGT (or lack thereof) is either sporadic, anecdotal, or entirely
absent. In the absence of a rigorous and reproducible method for the assessment
of IGT, the assessment of the vitality of endangered languages will always be
subjective and variable. And so for the sake of scientific rigor, a
scientifically-based method for assessment is needed.
communities themselves often are unaware that their children are not fully
acquiring a language. It is all too common that community members feel that
their children are acquiring a language, whereas the children are only
partially acquiring that language (see, for example, the heritage language
literature, e.g., Benmamoun, Montrul
& Polinsky, 2010). Thus a tool is needed that
will provide researchers and communities with quantifiable statistics on the
actual degree and rate of acquisition within a community. This may be used by
researchers and/or community members to mobilize resources and social awareness
towards efforts to improve the rate of acquisition amongst the youngest
generation of speakers.
Tool for Intergenerational Transmission Assessment
TITA consists of six measures (referred to as instruments, and labeled TITA-1,
TITA-2, etc.). It is recommended that a researcher implement all six
instruments for the most robust and dependable measure, though as few as two
are sufficient to produce a useful measure. The TITA was designed with this in
mind, and so the first two instruments are survey-style instruments (easy and
quick to administer), while the last three instruments
directly measure knowledge in children (the remaining one is a mix between
survey and direct measurement). These two categories of instruments are needed
because while direct measurement of children might be preferred, such methods
are hard to administer, and this limits how many children may participate in
the TITA. Including this kind of flexibility in which
instruments to administer ensures that the tool will be implementable even by
those with little-to-no expertise in experimental methods. The
instruments are ordered (and discussed here) in descending order of importance
to the integrity of the TITA.
Household Adult Language Profile (HALP). The input to children is a crucial
determinant of whether a language is acquired or not. We know from decades of
research that plentiful and prolonged exposure to a language is required for
successful and full acquisition (e.g., Hart & Risley,
1995). Moreover, it is generally agreed that there is a minimum amount of
exposure that a child needs relative to the dominant language in order for the
child to become proficient in the minority language. Hoff (2012) suggest that at least 30% of the input must be in the
minority language in order for a child to grow into a competent bilingual. The
HALP is designed to assess the degree to which adults in a household use the
minority language in the presence of the child. It begins by collecting some
basic demographic information, followed by questions about the language(s) of
their community and education. This is followed by Likert-style
questions on which language they speak the best, how much of each language they
speak in the home, with family outside the home, etc. Moreover, the HALP
assesses the adults’ attitudes towards the minority language, on the thinking
that positively predisposed adults are likely to impart more importance to the
language, and therefore increase the likelihood that it will be acquired by
children. This instrument is short and takes 5-7 minutes per adult.
Child Language Profile (CLP). There is a large amount of research that shows
that parental reports on a child’s language abilities, while not perfect, are a
good proxy for direct measurement of child competence. Moreover, parental
surveys are significantly easier and more practical to administer. The CLP therefore
asks the primary care giver of a child about the child’s abilities in the
minority language and the dominant language. The questions target both usage rates, as well as competence and fluency.
Additionally, questions about domains of use are included, to measure whether
the language is used exclusively in the home or elsewhere as well. Together,
the HALP and the CLP provide a profile of the input to children in the
community, as well as measurements of children’s proficiency and domain usage.
Adapted Communicative Development Inventory (CDI). Based upon the
MacArthur-Bates CDI (MBCDI, Fenson, 1993), a
thoroughly tested and well accepted method to assess the acquisition of
vocabulary, we developed the TITA CDI template. The motivation behind the MBCDI
is that assessing children’s vocabulary directly is very difficult. It is not
possible for a researcher to stay with a child for the entirety of a day, for
weeks on end, hoping to capture all the words that a child says. Assessing comprehension
is even more difficult. And so the MBCDI lists 500 of the most common words
known to children and simply asks parents to check off the ones that their
child has said (production) or understands (comprehension). For the purposes of
TITA, we could not simply replicate the MBCDI, since there are numerous words
that children in non-Western communities would not be familiar with. Moreover,
any list of words that we created would be inappropriate for some community
somewhere (e.g., the word for mud or dirt may not be as child-relevant in a
desert, sand-covered environment as in a tropical or savannah context)
therefore created a template of 250 words, along with instructions for how
users of TITA might create their own CDI. The intent was to provide as much of
the final CDI product as possible, while still providing flexibility, but at
the same time maintaining some level of structure across all instantiations of
the TITA CDI. Our 250-word template includes words that we considered universal
(body parts, nature terms, animal terms, etc.). We then provide instructions on
how a researcher might modify this list to make it appropriate to their
context. We set limits to the number of words in each semantic category, and
provide examples of alternate templates. The idea simply is to have researchers
put together a list that is appropriate to the community they are
investigating, but which has the same structure as other modifications of the
TITA CDI. This, therefore, constitutes a parental report on children’s control
over core vocabulary.
Picture Selection Vocabulary Comprehension Task. Based upon commonly used tools
in the assessment of first language acquisition such as the Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Task (Dunn & Dunn, 2007), the fourth instrument consists of 25
pairs of pictures that directly test children’s ability to comprehend some
basic vocabulary items. The pictures depict items such as common animals (dog,
chicken, etc.), common actions (crying, running, etc.), and common household items
(e.g., a knife). The child is shown two pictures from the same semantic
category (e.g., animals), and asked to identify one of them (e.g., where is the
chicken?). The child’s accuracy is recorded. This is a very basic, though
direct, measure of the child’s vocabulary, and augments the findings from the
Picture Description Task: This too is based upon a common method in the
assessment of monolingual children. The child is shown 25 pictures in sequence,
and for each picture, the child is asked to identify either what is depicted in
the picture (for nouns), or what the person in the picture is doing
(events).This is another direct, though
low-level, measure of a child’s productive abilities
with basic vocabulary in a minority language. If a child is unable to succeed
fully on TITA-4 and -5, then this provides good evidence that the minority
language is not being transmitted successfully.
Direct assessment of a signature property of the target language: This final
instrument is the least structured, but may only be necessary in cases where a
researcher suspects children are acquiring the target language, but in a manner
that is significantly different from their parents. A language’s signature
property is often one that is marked, or unusual, with respect to the more
common and dominant patterns in the world’s languages. Such features might be
the most susceptible to obsolescence (or attrition), and so TITA provides a
framework for researchers to investigate the acquisition of specific features.
For example, a Polynesian language might lose its ergative properties in the
face of dominance from a language like English or French. Or a Philippine
language might start to lose one of its voice patterns in the face of a
dominant language like English. Or a Papuan language might begin to lose its
clause chaining devices in the face of the dominant Tok
Pisin. Or a Mayan language might begin to lose the antipassive construction in the face of Spanish dominance,
etc. If a researcher or language activist suspects that such signature
properties are being lost, or may be lost, the TITA provides assistance in
investigating this issue.
concern about TITA-6 is that language documentation researchers and activists
are not aware of methods to assess specific features of a language. They may
not even be able to identify the crucial features to assess. To address this,
we have devised a two-pronged approach. The first is to provide a host of
sample experiments, fully fleshed out, along with the entirety of the
experimental items. For example, we have a full set of picture selection items
to elicit transitive actional sentences, such as the
boy chased the girl (taken from a Samoan study on declarative clauses done by Muagututia, Deen & O’Grady, 2016). Such items could be
used to assess alignment patterns, agreement patterns, case patterns, etc. We
also have a full set of relative clause elicitation and comprehension items
(taken from a Tagalog study on relative clauses
conducted by Tanaka, 2016). A third example set
of experimental items involves the elicitation of wh-questions,
taken from Muagututia (in progress). Each of these
experiments is provided free of charge to researchers interested in
implementing TITA-6 in their own language. All items are provided, along with
instructions on how to conduct the experiment, how to record the data, how to
analyze the data and how to report the data. A website is currently being set
up to publicize this service, and when the TITA is finally disseminated, we
hope to have at least ten such sample experiments. Moreover, an informal (free
of charge) consultant service has been established whereby researchers
interested in implementing an assessment of a particular feature in a language
may contact the TITA PI for assistance in designing and running such
experiments (the contact information for this service is
then, these six instruments provide a comprehensive and rigorous method to
assess the rate of intergenerational transmission in a minority community.
There are numerous other factors that go into the assessment of IGT, all of
which are addressed in the TITA Manual, currently in progress. Some of these
factors are:
1. How many children must one test? The
answer to this depends on the size and complexity of the language situation. If
the community is small and cohesive, then a relatively small number of
households need to be assessed. From these, extrapolation to the rest of the
community should be possible. But if the community is larger, or spread out
geographically, or consists of multiple sub-communities, each with their own
dialect, then sampling from each of the sub-communities will be needed.
Guidelines for rough numbers per sample are provided in the TITA Manual.<
2. How are the scores from each instrument
aggregated? A specific formula is provided in which the scores from each
instrument are collected, standardized and then aggregated into a single score.
This then constitutes the TITA Score that researchers include with their
published report on the vitality of a language.
3. What happens if a researcher is unable
to conduct all six instruments? The TITA is designed such that it is not
necessary that all six instruments be used. We fully expect TITA-1 and TITA-2
to be the most used, followed by TITA-3, and then TITA-4-5. We expect a small
minority of researchers to use TITA-6 due to the logistical difficulty posed by
designing and implementing a new experiment. Nonetheless, the TITA was designed
such that scores from 2 instruments may be used to calculate an overall TITA
Score. Moreover, the number of instruments that go into the calculation of a
TITA Score is then included, as a kind of confidence score. The researcher
therefore reports the TITA Score along with a confidence level, e.g., TITA
Score=83/100, confidence =4/6.
TITA is being piloted on heritage children in Honolulu, mostly speakers of
Philippine languages born in the USA, but who hear either Ilocano or Tagalog in the home. Their grasp of this home language is
weak compared to English, and so this population is a good approximation to the
target populations in the field. Regardless, actual distal field piloting is
required so as to demonstrate that the TITA can be easily administered in the
field; that the TITA can be used in a variety of communities; that the TITA is
not technologically burdensome; that a subset of the six TITA instruments may
be used to good effect; that TITA-6 can be developed with relative ease. We are
currently seeking funding for travel and data collection in each of four field
sites in South East Asia.
you are interested in this project, or wish to pilot the instrument (or part of
it), get in touch with me: kamil at hawaii dot edu