Instructor: Shawn Ford


Office: ÔIliahi 220

Classroom: Various

Phone: 734-9327


Office Hours: TWRF 10 Ð 10:30 am

Class Hours: TWRF 7:45 Ð 9:50 am


Course Description


ESOL 94F is the advanced academic English course at KCC for speakers of languages other than English. It is designed for students who have advanced proficiency in English as an additional language yet require further development of their academic English skills. ESOL 94F is an integrated skills course, combining listening, speaking, reading, and writing tasks, and attention will be paid to each of these skill areas throughout the semester.

In addition, ESOL 94F follows a content-based curriculum, and as such, one major issue will be explored throughout the semester. This semesterÕs focus is The Environment, which constitutes one unit of the required course textbook. Students will explore this issue in-depth as they work to develop all of their English language skills.


Course Materials (available in the KCC Bookstore)


1) Making Connections: An Interactive Approach to Academic Reading, by Kenneth J. Pakenham (2005).

2) An English-English Dictionary (Collins Co-build Dictionary recommended)

3) Pocket Keys for Writers, by Raimes (2006).

3) 3-ring binder for your Personal Language Development PortfolioÓ (³ 1-1/2Ó with inside pockets)

4) 1 package of notebook dividers with tabs (5 count)

5) American college-ruled 8-1/2 x 11Ó loose-leaf notebook paper


Course Competencies (as stated in the KCC Catalog)


This course is designed to help students achieve the following course competencies:

Student Objectives


This course is designed to give you the opportunity to work individually and collaboratively in order to:

á      receive input,

á      produce output,

á      participate in interactions,

á      get feedback,

á      practice and rehearse,

á      understand about the English language, and

á      understand about being a college student.

If these opportunities are positively taken up, you will be prepared for regular college courses, in general, and specifically for English 100.


Course Requirements


The following are required in this section of ESOL 94F:

á      attend class regularly and promptly;

á      participate in class activities, including all class discussions;

á      complete all writing assignments, to be done in/outside of class, and turn them in on the date that they are due to ensure a response from me and course completion;

á      complete other class assignments, to be done in/outside of class, in a timely manner;

á      complete all vocabulary and grammar quizzes, reading tests, and exams as required; and

á      complete your Personal Language Development Portfolio.




You will be graded on your:

á      writing activities

á      vocabulary activities

á      reading activities

á      oral reports & presentations

á      collaborative/group work

á      grammar activities


Grading Scales


Class and Group Activities

Writing Assignments


Overall Evaluation Level

Promotion Level


ESL100/ 100-


High Pass

ESL 100


ESOL94/ 94+







Low Pass





No Credit

No Credit

In order to get a Cr and be recommended to repeat ESOL 94S, you MUST complete the following:

á      four vocabulary quizzes (minimum 80%)

á      four 1-page reaction papers (minimum 94 rating)

á      four 2-page cause-effect papers (minimum 94 rating)

á      four in-class presentations (minimum à rating)

á      two content essay exams (minimum 94 rating)

á      final content exam (minimum 80%)

á      final vocabulary exam (minimum 80%)

á      final 4-6 page research paper (minimum 94 rating)

á      final 2-page reflection paper (minimum 94 rating)


In order to get a Cr+ and be recommended for ESL 100, you mustÉ


as determined by constant observation and evaluation throughout the semester.


Quality of writing will be judged on:

o   Subject-Verb Agreement

o   Verb Tense

o   Word Order

o   Textbook Grammar Focus (as learned)

¤       Ò-ing wordsÓ Ð gerund clauses

¤       ÒnominalizationÓ Ð complex noun phrases


Expected Outcomes and Performance Criteria


Skill Areas

Assignments: The types of work that students will do.

Competencies: The specific work that students will do.

Performance Criteria: How students will be assessed.

Outcome: What students should be able to do afterwards.




¥ Read textbook.

¥ Answer reading questions.

¥ Study grammar in context.

¥ Study vocabulary.

¥ Examine rhetorical modes.

¥ Discuss texts.

¥ Take reading quizzes.

¥ Analyze and synthesize reading and listening material providing new insights into text.

¥ Make appropriate generalizations and inferences and draw valid conclusions from given information.

¥ Identify rhetorical modes of texts to gain more effective comprehension.

¥ Be able to discuss the text read.

¥ Be able to pass a test based on the material given.

¥ Be able to perform assigned activities based on the reading.

Be able to get information from a text to perform some academic task (i.e., test taking, essay writing, research, etc.).






¥ Review essay structure.

¥ Study grammar in context.

¥ Study vocabulary.

¥ Discuss texts.

¥ Write various types of essays, including summaries, responses, reflections, and a research paper.

¥ Give peer feedback.

¥ Take in-class essay exams.

¥ Work in a group to find solutions to problems and report on solutions orally or in writing.

¥ Summarize information in written form, in charts and in maps.

¥ Select appropriate information to support a thesis or validate a hypothesis.

¥ Write unified, cohesive and well-developed essays.

¥ Use the writing process to write short research papers, self-evaluations, three to four page academic essays, and in-class essay tests.

¥ The purpose of the paper is clearly expressed.

¥ The organization of the paper is clear.

¥ The grammar errors in the paper do not interfere with the meaning.

¥ Write clear and well-written papers in the academic style with consistency.

¥ Apply problem-solving techniques and skills, including the rules of logic and logical sequence.

¥ Reflect upon and evaluate their thought processes, value systems, and worldviews in comparison to those of others.





¥ Discuss texts.

¥ Write speeches.

¥ Review speaking skills.

¥ Examine speeches.

¥ Practice pronunciation.

¥ Rehearse speeches.

¥ Give speeches.

¥ Give peer feedback.

¥ Work in a group to find solutions to problems and report on solutions orally or in writing.

¥ Make oral presentations that are well organized and delivered with confidence.

¥ Speak in complete sentences.

¥ Do not use ÒcolloquialismsÓ in speech (guys, liÕ Ôdat, you know, etc.)

¥ Conform to the rules of formal speech (this includes, body language, tone of voice, loudness, etc.)

¥ Give short speeches using the academic register with consistency and confidence.

¥ Apply problem-solving techniques and skills, including the rules of logic and logical sequence.



¥ Listen to lectures.

¥ Listen to video materials.

¥ Take lecture notes.

¥ Review pronunciation comprehension.

¥ Review rhetorical modes.

¥ Discuss lectures and videos.

¥ Analyze and synthesize reading and listening material providing new insights into text.

¥ Make appropriate generalizations and inferences and draw valid conclusions from given information.

¥ Identify rhetorical modes of texts to gain more effective comprehension.

¥ Be able to discuss the film, video, or lecture.

¥ Be able to pass a test based on the film video, and lecture.

¥ Be able to perform assigned activities based on the film, video, or lecture.

¥ Be able to get information from film, video, or lectures.

¥ Reflect upon and evaluate their thought processes, value systems, and worldviews in comparison to those of others.


Attendance Policy


Students are expected to attend class on time every day. Attendance will be reflected in student class participation, class assignments, quizzes, presentations, and timely submission of papers and other assignments.


If a student misses class, not only will opportunities to learn course content and develop language skills be missed, but also important course information will be missed, and classmates will miss the studentÕs participation in class.


It is understood that there may be times when a student is unable to come to class due to sicknesses, emergencies, scheduled appointments, or other personal reasons. If a student misses class, the student must get any assignments, explanations, directions, information, and handouts from classmates. Upon return to class, the student should be prepared for any scheduled class activities.


Quizzes, exams, and tests missed due to absence cannot be made up unless the student provides an acceptable and verifiable excuse, such as a Dr.Õs note, an accident report, or a police report. Class activities missed due to absence cannot be made up for any reason. Any group assignments missed due to absence should be made up with the respective group members.


Also, general class announcements and directions will be given in the first 10 minutes of class. If a student is late and does not get this information, the student will be responsible for getting the information from a classmate.


Students are responsible for all material covered in class and for all assignments.


Late Work Policy


All homework assignments should be completed before class and submitted in class on the date that they are due. Students should always be ready for classroom activities or discussions.


Late assignments will be accepted up to three class periods after the original due date for credit at a penalty of one rating level (100/94+/94/94-) or 10% per class period. Assignments will not be accepted for credit after three class periods late. However, all required assignments, whether accepted for credit or not, must still be included in the course portfolio.


Keep in mind that many classroom activities require related papers and homework assignments in order to receive credit. Full participation is a requirement, and these daily classroom activities cannot be made up. The exception to this is late work that has an acceptable and verifiable excuse (a Dr.Õs note, an accident report, a police report, etc.).


Repeated late submissions of work will likely result in failure of the courses.


Academic Honesty


Rules regarding academic honesty and intellectual property are different across cultures. However, all UH system students are expected to abide by a particular definition of academic honesty, one that is common to community colleges and universities in the US. Students who do not follow these rules, for whatever reason, may be charged with cheating or plagiarism. In the UH system, common punishments for such violations include failing the assignment, failing the course, suspension from the university, or even expulsion.


The following definition of plagiarism is from the UH-Manoa Student Conduct Code:

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting, in fulfillment of an academic requirement, any work that has been copied in whole or in part from another individual's work without attributing that borrowed portion to the individual; neglecting to identify as a quotation another's idea and particular phrasing that was not assimilated into the student's language and style or paraphrasing a passage so that the reader is misled as to the source; submitting the same written or oral or artistic material in more than one course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved; or "drylabbing," which includes obtaining and using experimental data and laboratory write-ups from other sections of a course or from previous terms. (University of Hawai`i at Manoa Student Conduct Code, 1992, p. 6)


Please note that this course will devote some class time to avoiding plagiarism. However, it is ultimately each studentÕs responsibility to understand the rules regarding plagiarism and cheating at UH, and to learn how to avoid such violations.


Miscellaneous Policies


Although this is a course for developing academic English, I do not maintain an ÒEnglish OnlyÓ policy in the classroom. First languages can be useful for clarifying and exchanging ideas when done quickly and appropriately. However, it is expected that English will be used for course activities and assignments. First languages should not be used for general group or peer discussions, or to Òchit-chatÓ, especially when language is used to exclude from conversations classmates who do not speak the same native language. I consider this linguistic discrimination, and this sort of behavior will not be tolerated in this classroom.


All students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom maturely and to be respectful of each other and of the instructor, according to the guidelines outlined in the KCC Conduct Code which is summarized in the course catalog and is posted in its entirely in the Dean of Students Office, ÔIlima 205.


This class is a safe zone. I will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion. Any violation will be referred immediately to the dean of students for disciplinary action.


Students are required to use their U.H. e-mail address ( for all e-mail correspondence in this course. Only e-mails from U.H. accounts are acceptable. E-mail accounts from free Internet services (MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) are often unreliable, and spread viruses and spam. Be forewarned. In addition, all students are expected to follow Netiquette guidelines in all of their online course communications with their peers and instructors. Netiquette refers to proper behavior in an online environment. For e-mail account and password help, please go to the IMTS Help Desk in the 2nd floor of the Naio building.


Please do not send regular course papers or assignments by e-mail or by attachment unless told otherwise. Turn in hard copies only.


Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other things that beep, ring, chirp, chime, or can play music, while in our classroom. At no time may anyone engage in phone conversations in the classroom for any reason.


Please do not smoke in doorways, stairwells, or under roofed areas of any campus buildings, which are all considered areas of buildings, and therefore, No Smoking Areas. Smoke in courtyards or open areas around campus buildings, where there are ashtrays, and dispose of your cigarette trash responsibly.


If you have a disability and have not voluntarily disclosed the nature of your disability and the support you need, then please contact the Special Student Services office at 743-9552, located in Ilima 105.


This syllabus and the course schedule are subject to change at the teacherÕs discretion with appropriate notice.


If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to me after class, by e-mail, or make an appointment for an office conference.