Exception Handling

1.  What is the purpose of exception-handling features?
2.  What kinds of errors is exception handling designed to deal with?
3.  When should exception handling be used?
4.  What are some other techniques for dealing with exceptional situations?
5.  What is a try block and how is it used?
6.  How is an exception thrown?
7.  How do you catch an exception?
8.  What is an exception handler?
9.  What happens if there is no error handler for an exception that has been caught?
10.  What is rethrowing an exception?
11.  How are the kinds of exceptions that can be thrown by a function or method specified?
12.  How are errors in constructors or destructors (finalizers) handled?
13.  How does exception handling work with inheritance?
14.  What is the hierarchy for exception classes?
15.  What other aspects of exception handling apply to the programming language you are studying?