@echo off rem Unset CLASSPATH in this shell to avoid configuration problems. set CLASSPATH= rem Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and insert it into the system path. rem This will make the javac and java commands reachable from the command line. set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14" set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH% rem Set ICS211_HOME environment variable and insert into default path. rem At the end of the file, we use this to change to the ICS211_HOME directory. set ICS211_HOME="D:\UH\courses\2008.1S\ICS211" set PATH=%ICS211_HOME%;%PATH% rem Set an environment variable for TextPad and insert it into the default path. rem This will allow TextPad to be reachable from the command line. rem See separate file on using TextPad. set TEXTPAD_HOME="C:\Program Files\TextPad 5" set PATH=%TEXTPAD_HOME%;%PATH% rem Display environment variables for verification echo Verify current build environment settings: echo CLASSPATH: %CLASSPATH% (should be unset) echo JAVA_HOME: %JAVA_HOME% echo ICS211_HOME: %ICS211_HOME% echo TEXTPAD_HOME: %TEXTPAD_HOME% echo . echo PATH: %PATH% echo . rem GoTo ICS211_HOME directory d: cd %ICS211_HOME%