Math 205 - Syllabus


Course Description:

This course delves into the elegant worlds of differential and integral calculus.  We will begin with a review of functions of real numbers, their properties, and their graphs.  To more deeply understand functions, we will investigate the notion of a limit and use it to define the infamous derivative.   Using both conceptual and computational aspects of the derivative, we will expand our qualitative and quantitative understanding of how (differentiable) functions may be described via their rates of changes.  We will find and explore numerous applications of the derivative and relate this essential tool to fields such as Physics, Chemistry, and Economics.  We will then investigate the notion of area bound by a graph via the definite integral.  Using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, we will then bridge the seemingly disparate concepts of the derivative and the integral to obtained a more unified understanding of real functions.

Learning Outcomes:

Students successfully completing the course should be able to:


This course will have frequent homework (HW) assignments.   Most HW assignments will be hosted on the MyMathLab portal.  It is the students' responsibility to have access to internet and a computer with the appropriate software to complete the HW assignments.  Non-MML homework and other assignments are also posted online on this website. 


There will be frequent short quizzes given during the course to verify that the contents of the course have been absorbed.   These quizzes will be announced beforehand.


The final grade will be based largely on homework, midterms, final, and frequent quizzes.  Furthermore, class participation (e.g., asking questions in class, going to the Math Lab, going to office hours, asking Bob email questions, etc) will also be used in this computation.  The lecture portion grade breakdown is given below.

Your lecture grade will be computed using the following weights:
       25% - Homework
       40% - Midterms & Final
       25% - Quizzes
       10% - Participation

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