Nadine Ortega

Country: Japan

Position: CIO

    The Intelligence and Analysis Bureau is in charge of managing information on international situation, general administration of research affairs, research and surveys on foreign countries, collecting information, and general analysis of the international situation.  The Intelligence and Analysis Bureau is divided into three parts which are the General Management Division, the First Analysis Division and the Second Analysis Division.  The Bureau is under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while the Ministry is under the Prime Minister's office.

    Because Japan has gained international status, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has had an increase in their activities therefore the Intelligence and Analysis Bureau was established to strengthen and improve the intelligence and function of the Ministry.  The main goal of the Bureau is to collect, analyze, manage, and provide information for the Ministry.  Also because the international situation keeps getting more complex, the Bureau is strengthening its analysis of security situations.

    After the defeat of Japan in World War II, Japan's Imperial Army and Navy were disbanded, and the old regime was replaced with a democratic government.  Article nine of the new constitution of Japan renounced war or even possessing combat potential however it gave Japan the right to possess minimum armed strength only for the purpose of self-defense just in case of an invasion.  They had to renounce war, the possession of war potential, the right of belligerency, and the possession of nuclear weaponry.  Japan is not allowed to become a nuclear power therefore it does not own any secret weapons or CBRN because it relies on the military power of the United States to protect it.

    Under the 1960 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States, Japan is responsible for internal security.  In case of an attack of Japan and its territories however the United States is responsible to join forces with Japan if Japan has difficulty repelling aggression.  The United States and Japan coordinates intelligence activities together at each stage of requirements, collection, production, and dissemination.

    After the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, Japan has been promoting non-proliferation contribute to global peace and stability.  The prevention of CBRN terrorism has become an increasing concern in Asia especially when North Korea have missiles and weapons of mass destruction which is destabilizing the region's security.  Japan is working hard to make sure that no country assists or supports North Korea's missile program.  Japan is also trying to encourage Asian countries such as North Korea, India and Pakistan to disarm and make efforts for non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. 

    The Bureau has no aspirations to political power nor are we willing to participate in revolutions.  We don't torture prisoners nor commit assassinations but we do spy.  We spy on Korea because Japan and Korea have many conflicts over fishery and territory therefore the Japanese Embassy collects intelligence on Korea.  They scan newspapers and other publications that holds special interest and they send them over to the Ministry in Tokyo.  We also try to promote pro-Japanese ideals in the region.




