John Maurer
PacIOOS Data System Engineer

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST)
Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi (RCUH)
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

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Position Held

Position Overview

The PacIOOS Data System Engineer works within the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure (DMAC) team to help design and develop a system to acquire and archive oceanographic data (remote sensing, models, observations from buoys, moorings, gliders, etc.) and to provide a system by which users can search and access these data. The data system will also integrate these data streams to facilitate the development of useful derived data products and delivery systems. We ensure that data formats are consistent with national standards; provide binary data transport via OPeNDAP, HTTP, Open Geosptial Consortium (OGC) services, or other Web-based servers; develop Web-browsing capabilities through Web Map Server (WMS), Google Maps API, and other technologies; and work in coordination with Web developers and data assistants who are responsible for populating the PacIOOS portal with products and data provided by PacIOOS scientific investigators. PacIOOS is one eleven Regional Associations within the larger U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), which contributes to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the oceanographic component of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).

PDF icon PacIOOS DMAC Overview (2.6 MB)
PDF icon PacIOOS DMAC Poster (4.5 MB)


  1. Develop, implement and maintain a data system for the archive management of PacIOOS data streams.
  2. Assist in the implementation of Web-based delivery mechanisms for PacIOOS products including THREDDS Data Server (TDS), ERDDAP, and GeoServer.
  3. Provide a mechanism for integrating disparate data systems in compliance with the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) mandated data management procedures.
  4. Interact with PacIOOS data management team to provide access to data and data products.

Technologies Employed


John Maurer <>