Born on Oahu, I moved to the Big Island in 1983 to pursue adegree in computer science. Along the way, I meet the girl on my dreams, purchased a house, graduated and got married. Fast forward a few quick years, and I"ve now got three great kids, one now in college.
After many years at the University of Hawaii at HIlo Marine Option Program and Marine Science department, I figured it might be a good time to go back to school. I now blame Childers for getting me into this fine mess, but I think we are both gluttons for punishment. I serve as support staff at UHH-MOP/MARE and as scientific diving coordinator and am also one of the captains. Volunteer work at the Pacific Tsunami Museum (, has had me involved in many cool projects. In the last few years, these projects have taken me to Thailand and India as I installed touch screen kiosks I developed and programed.
When not at UHH or the PTM, I enjoy spending time with my family. But when time permits, I enjoy the outdoors with backpacking, diving and photography. I really enjoy scuba diving and photography, so not a bad mix. Put those together and you have an expensive bad habit that is a blast. Recently my son and wife became scuba certified as well and seem to be enjoying themselves greatly. In September 2009, I was invited to the North West Hawaiian Islands as resercher, diver and photographer on a benthic habitat study of coraline algae. Great trip, lots of photos!

Looking for Coney? I'm on facebook as "john coney"!

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