530 tag
This tag is added to bib records for hard copy material when the material is also available either in microform or electronically, with either free access or paid access.
If the electronic access is for a paid resource, and the UH System does not have access, delete the URL(s) and 007, but retain the 530.
Ensure that a 007 for electronic access is present when a 530 tag and valid URL are present (either in the bib or the bib⁄MFHD)
If there is an existing 007 for media in a record (for example, a book with CD-ROM):
Doing this will force the electronic 007 into the top slot (Voyager will only limit by what is in the top slot)
If an incoming record has an valid, existing 530, edit the 530 tag to the appropriate wording below.
530 tag examples:
530 __ Also available via World Wide Web.
530 __ Some vols also available via World Wide Web.
530 __ Also available by subscription via World Wide Web.
530 __ Some vols also available by subscription via World Wide Web.
Special cases
530 __ Also available via World Wide Web in the University of Hawaii at Manoa's ScholarSpace Institutional Repository.
530 __ Some issues also available via World Wide Web in the University of Hawaii at Manoa's ScholarSpace Institutional Repository.
For evols, use the following:
530 __ Also available via World Wide Web in the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Evols digital repository.
For Sinclair streaming video, use the following:
530 __ Also available to UH users as streaming video via World Wide Web.
and add a 971:

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