Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders




á   An objective biological variable

á   Types:  Male, female, intersex (hermaphrodite; ambiguous genitalia; fertility varies; .0005%)



á   A psychological variable

á    Subjective identification as male, female, transsexual (identity of the opposite sex)


Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Definitions conÕd


Sex defined by:

á   Anatomy

o External and internal reproductive organs

o Secondary characteristics after puberty

¤      e.g. pubic hair, voice, breasts

á   Sex chromosomes


Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Sex Chromosomes



á   XX female                     XY Male



á   XO intersex*                 XO/XY intersex*


á   XYY intersex*               XXY intersex*



* fertility varies

Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders



3 Major Types Of Sexual And Gender Identity Disorders:


1. Gender Identity Disorder (GID)

i.e. transsexualism


2. Paraphilias


3. Sexual Dysfunctions


Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders


Gender Identity Disorder

á    Sense of self as a male or female is not congruent with anatomy and is distressful


á   Sexual attraction to an unusual object or activity that causes distress or dysfunction

Sexual dysfunctions

á   Sexual performance or arousal difficulties

that cause distress or dysfunction

Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Gender Identity Disorder


á   A strong & persistent cross-gender identification


o  Not just a desire for a perceived cultural advantage of being the other sex


o  Not the result of an intersex condition
 i.e. hermaphrodite


á            Prevalence

o  0.00003% males

o  0.00001% females

Defining Abnormal Behavior


á   Statistical infrequency


á   Violation of norms


á   Unexpectedness


á   Personal distress*


á   Disability/dysfunction*


* GID not controversial but not considered a DX in all cultures or times in history—e.g. Etruscans


Gender Identity Disorder



Diagnostic criteria (differs by age):


A. Desire to be the opposite sex


B. Discomfort with his or her sex


- Feels an inappropriate sex role



Gender Identity Disorder


Desire to be the Opposite Sex



á    Verbally insists to be the other sex


á   Cross-dressing (how define?)


á   Preference for cross-sex roles and stereotypical activities/play (how define?)



Gender Identity Disorder


Desire to be the Opposite Sex contÕd


Adolescents & Adults


á   Stated desire to be the other sex


á   Frequent passing as the other sex


á    Desire to live & be treated as the other sex


á    Conviction has feelings of the other sex




Gender Identity Disorder


Discomfort with Sex


Children: Boys


á   Feels penis/testes are disgusting


á   Feels penis/testes will disappear


á   Asserts preference to not have a penis/testes


á   Rejects stereotypical male toys, games, and activities (how define?)



Gender Identity Disorder


Discomfort with Sex contÕd



Children: Girls


á   Refusal to urinate in sitting position


á   Asserts she will grow a penis


á   Asserts she does not want breasts


á   Aversion toward feminine clothing



Gender Identity Disorder



Discomfort with Sex contÕd


Adolescents & adults


á    Belief born the wrong sex


á   Preoccupation with eliminating primary and secondary sex characteristics


o  e.g., hormones or surgery to alter genitalia

o  e.g., electrolysis



Gender Identity Disorder Etiology


Causes are:


á   Unknown


á   Not related to intersex


á   Both hormonal & learning?


o  Reinforcement and modeling?



Gender Identity Disorder Treatments


Cognitive Behavioral Treatment

á   Classical conditioning & cognitive restructuring

o  Rare case studies report success


Biologial and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment

á   Sex-reassignment surgery

á   Behavioral rehearsal

á   Cognitive restructuring of causal attributions

á   Problem-solving

o  High success rate for wide age range


Gender Identity Disorder – Treatments


Sex Reassignment Surgery and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Outcome


Docter (1985)

á    74 year old male



Cohen-Kettenis & vanGoozen (1997)

á    22 adolescents 16-18 y/o

Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders



á            Sexual attraction is to unusual objects or sexual activities


á            Not just fantasies, but behavior


á            Creates distress or dysfunction*



á            Some illegal (possible harm to others)*




á            Prevalence unknown

       ? Common given commercial market


*not controversial

8 DSM Paraphilias


      1.     Fetishism

      2.     Transvestic fetishism

      3.     Pedophilia*

      4.     Voyeurism*

      5.     Exhibitionism*

      6.     Frotteurism*

      7.     Sexual sadism**

      8.     Sexual masochism

*  dysfunctional = harm to others

**dysfunctional if rape vs. consensual





 Conviction for Pedophilia


á   Pedophiles treated with more disdain than other criminals (e.g., serial killer)


á   Maligned, rejected, & abused by other inmates


á   Publicly humiliated and loss of rights after serving sentence

o  "Megan's Law"


Assumption that childhood sex is immoral &  harmful to child = empirical question




Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998)


á    59 studies of adjustment of college students who had sexual experiences as children


o  adult-child sex

o  coerced sex with childhood peers





Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Adjustment


o  1% of adult adjustment predicted by childhood sexual experiences


o  Family environment (verbal and physical abuse, neglect, conflict) predicts 9% of adult adjustment among those who experienced sex as a child




Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Prevalence of childhood sexual experiences

o  Male 14%

o  Female 24%


Not rare for children to have sexual experiences with adults or coerced by peers






Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Percentage founding childhood sexual experiences to be negative at the time


o  Male 33%


o  Female 72%



Not all children find sexual experiences to be abusive



Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Percentage who find childhood sexual experiences to be negative currently


o  Males 26%


o  Females 59%


Some adults come to view childhood sexual experiences as no longer being negative




Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences


Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Percentage who find childhood sexual experiences to be positive currently


o  Males 43%


o  Females 16%


Male adults report childhood sexual experiences to be positive more often than do female adults




Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences

Rind et al. (1998) contÕd


á    Perceived negative effect of childhood sexual experiences on adult sexual attitudes & performance


o  Male 8.5%


o  Female 13 %


Most adults who had childhood sexual experiences are sexually adjusted




Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Experiences

Rind et al. (1998) contÕd




Childhood Sex

Neg. as Child

Neg. as Adult

Pos. as Adult












Etiology of Paraphilias



á    Psychoanalytic/Freudian

o  Paraphilias as defense mechanisms

o  Guards ego from dealing with repressed fears at oral & anal stages

o  Represent fixations at pregenital stages of psychosexual development.

Etiology of Paraphilias conÕd


á    Cognitive-Behavioral


o Classical conditioning with object/activity

o Modeling

o Poor social skills relevant to sex partners

o Reinforcement of unconventional sexual behavior

o Disinformation

o Misattributions


Treatment of Paraphilias




á   Involuntary commitment to hospitals

á   Imprisonment

á   Court-ordered into outpatient treatment

á   "MeganÕs law"

o Effectiveness highly variable

o  Recidivism increases over time

o  Sex offenders often lack motivation to change

Treatment of Paraphilias conÕd


Cognitive Behavioral


á    Aversion therapy

á    Satiation

á    0rgasmic reorientation

á    Social skills training

á    Alternative behavior competition

á    Cognitive restructuring

á    Bibliotherapy


Treatment of Paraphilias conÕd


Biological/ Medical


á    Castration


á    Drugs to lower testosterone




Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders


Sexual Dysfunctions


Range of sexual dissatisfaction that

represent inhibitions in the normal

human sexual response cycle.


Sexual performance dissatisfaction is

1.               Persistent

2.               Recurrent

3.               Causes marked distress OR
interpersonal problems
Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Sexual Dysfunctions


Human Sexual Response Cycle


1.  Appetitive and desire


2.  Excitement and tumescence


3.  Orgasm


4.  Resolution


Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Sexual Dysfunctions


2 Appetitive/Desire*


á    Hypoactive sexual desire disorder**


á    Sexual aversion disorder


*   Normal desire = ?


** Hyperactive desire = ?


Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd


2 Excitement and tumescence


á    Female sexual arousal disorder*


á    Male erectile disorder*



* adequate stimulation = ?



May reflect failure to learn what is sexually arousing, performance anxiety & organic factors


Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd


3 Orgasm with tumescence


á    Female orgasmic disorder*


á    Male orgasmic disorder*


*normal stimulation for sexual arousal = ?


á   Male premature ejaculation**


**Premature = ?

**40% lifetime prevalence =  not rare

**Associated with anxiety

Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd


2  Resolution and Pain:  Females only

á     Dyspareunia


á   Vaginismus

o associated with history of rape/molestation







Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions



Masters and Johnson (1960's+)


á    Current Factors



 The adoption of a spectator role



 Fear of performance


Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd

Masters and Johnson (1960's+) conÕd



á   Historical Factors


Religious orthodoxy


Inadequate counseling


Excessive intake of alcohol


Biological causes (e.g. diabetes)



Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd

Masters and Johnson (1960's+) conÕd


á   Other etiological factors


Partner/marital conflict

The meaning of a sexual problem for a person

 e.g., reinforcement

Lack of knowledge or skill

Poor communication by partners

Fear of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases

Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions



Behavioral & cognitive-behavioral


Masters and Johnson


1st: ban on sexual activity


2nd: discussion of couple's sexual value system


3rd: sensate focus


4th: specific instructions in intercourse


Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd


Other techniques:


á    Anxiety reduction

á    Sensory-awareness  (e.g., "stop-start" for pre-mature ejaculation)

á    Communication training

á    Couples therapy

á    Behavior rehearsal with surrogate


Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions conÕd

Other techniques con'd:


á   Biological and Medical


o Hormones

o Anti-anxiety drugs

o Anti-depressant drugs

o Penis implants

o Penis vacuum pump

o Vasodilators (e.g.,Viagra)

Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders

Sexual Dysfunctions


Sex Abuse Treatment Center


55 Merchant Street, 22nd Floor


Honolulu, HI 96813


Emergency 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 524-7273.