/* a class for binary tree nodes
 * @author	Biagioni, Edoardo
 * @assignment	lecture 17
 * @date	March 12, 2008
 * @inspiration	William Albritton's binary search tree class,

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;

public class BinarySearchTree<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> {

      * A node in a binary tree 
      * @author         Edo Biagioni
      * @lecture        ICS 211 Mar 15 or later
      * @date           March 14, 2011
      * @bugs           private class: include this code within a larger class
    private static class BinaryNode<T> {
      private T item;
      private BinaryNode<T> left;
      private BinaryNode<T> right;
      * constructor to build a node with no subtrees
      * @param the value to be stored by this node
      private BinaryNode(T value) {
        item = value;
        left = null;
        right = null;
      * constructor to build a node with a specified (perhaps null) subtrees
      * @param the value to be stored by this node
      * @param the left subtree for this node
      * @param the right subtree for this node
      private BinaryNode(T value, BinaryNode<T> l, BinaryNode<T> r) {
        item = value;
        left = l;
        right = r;

    /* the root of the tree is the only data field needed */
    protected BinaryNode<T> root = null; // null when tree is empty

    /* constructs an empty tree
    public BinarySearchTree() {

    /* constructs a tree with one element, as given
     * @param	value to be used for the one element in the tree
    public BinarySearchTree(T value) {
	root = new BinaryNode<T>(value);

    /* constructs a tree with the given node as root
     * @param	newRoot to be used as the root of the new tree
    public BinarySearchTree(BinaryNode<T> newRoot) {
	root = newRoot;

    /* find a value in the tree
     * @param	key identifies the node value desired
     * @return	the node value found, or null if not found
    public T get(T key) {
	BinaryNode<T> node = root;
	while (node != null) {
	    if (key.compareTo(node.item) == 0) {
		return node.item;
	    if (key.compareTo(node.item) < 0) {
		node = node.left;
	    } else {
		node = node.right;
	return null;

    /* add a value to the tree, replacing an existing value if necessary
     * @param	value to be inserted
    public void add(T value) {
	root = add(value, root);

    /* add a value to the tree, replacing an existing value if necessary
     * @param	value to be inserted
     * @param	node that is the root of the subtree in which to insert
     * @return	the subtree with the node inserted
    protected BinaryNode<T> add(T value, BinaryNode<T> node) {
	if (node == null) {
	    return new BinaryNode<T>(value);
	if (value.compareTo(node.item) == 0) {
	    // replace the value in this node with a new value
	    node.item = value;
	    // alternative code creates new node, leaves old node unchanged:
	    //return new BinaryNode<T>(value, node.left, node.right);
	} else {
	    if (value.compareTo(node.item) < 0) {	// add to left subtree
		node.left = add(value, node.left);
	    } else {		// add to right subtree
		node.right = add(value, node.right);
	return node;

    /* remove a value from the tree, if it exists
     * @param	key such that value.compareTo(key) == 0 for the node to remove
    public void remove(T key) {
	root = remove(key, root);

    /* remove a value from the tree, if it exists
     * @param	key such that value.compareTo(key) == 0 for the node to remove
     * @param	node the root of the subtree from which to remove the value
     * @return	the new tree with the value removed
    protected BinaryNode<T> remove(T value, BinaryNode<T> node) {
	if (node == null) {	// key not in tree
	    return null;
	if (value.compareTo(node.item) == 0) { // remove this node
	    if (node.left == null) { // replace this node with right child
		return node.right;
	    } else if (node.right == null) { // replace with left child
		return node.left;
	    } else {
		// replace the value in this  node with value in the
		// rightmost node of the left subtree
		T replacement = getRightmost(node.left);
		// now remove the rightmost node in the left subtree,
		// by calling ourselves recursively
		BinaryNode<T> newNode = new 
				  remove(replacement, node.left),
		return newNode;
	} else {		// remove from left or right subtree
	    if (value.compareTo(node.item) < 0) {
		// remove from left subtree
		node.left = remove(value, node.left);
	    } else {		// remove from right subtree
		node.right = remove(value, node.right);
	return node;

    protected T getRightmost(BinaryNode<T> node) {
	assert(node != null);
	BinaryNode<T> right = node.right;
	if (right == null) {
	    return node.item;
	} else {
	    return getRightmost(right);

    /* iterator, traverses the tree in order */
    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
	return new TreeIterator(root);

    /* traverses the tree in pre-order */
    public Iterator<T> preIterator() {
	return new TreeIterator(root, true);

    /* traverses the tree in post-order */
    public Iterator<T> postIterator() {
	return new TreeIterator(root, false);

    /* toString
     * @returns	the string representation of the tree.
    public String toString() {
	return toString(root);

    protected String toString(BinaryNode<T> node) {
	if (node == null) {
	    return "";
	return node.item.toString() + "(" + toString(node.left) + ", " +
	    toString(node.right) + ")";

    /* unit test
     * @param	arguments, ignored
    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
	BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = new BinarySearchTree<Integer>();



	Iterator<Integer> it = tree.preIterator();
	System.out.print("pre-order: ");
	while (it.hasNext()) {
	    System.out.print(it.next() + ", ");

	it = tree.iterator();
	System.out.print("in-order: ");
	while (it.hasNext()) {
	    System.out.print(it.next() + ", ");

	it = tree.postIterator();
	System.out.print("post-order: ");
	while (it.hasNext()) {
	    System.out.print(it.next() + ", ");

	if (! tree.get(5).equals(5)) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree does not have 5");
	if (tree.get(13) != null) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree has 13, should not");
	if (! tree.get(10).equals(10)) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree does not have 10");



	if (tree.get(5) != null) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree has 5, should not");
	if (tree.get(13) != null) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree has 13, should not");
	if (! tree.get(3).equals(3)) {
	    System.out.println("error: tree does not have 3");


    /* an iterator class to iterate over binary trees
     * @author	Biagioni, Edoardo
     * @assignment	lecture 17
     * @date	March 12, 2008
    private class TreeIterator implements Iterator<T> {
        /* the class variables keep track of how much the iterator
         * has done so far, and what remains to be done.
         * root is null when the iterator has not been initialized,
         * or the entire tree has been visited.
         * the first stack keeps track of the last node to return
         * and all its ancestors
         * the second stack keeps track of whether the node visited
         * is to the left (false) or right (true) of its parent
        protected BinaryNode<T> root = null;
        protected Stack<BinaryNode<T>> visiting = new Stack<BinaryNode<T>>();
        protected Stack<Boolean> visitingRightChild = new Stack<Boolean>();
        /* only one of these booleans can be true */
        boolean preorder = false;
        boolean inorder = true;
        boolean postorder = false;
        /* constructor for in-order traversal
         * @param	root of the tree to traverse
        public TreeIterator(BinaryNode<T> root) {
            this.root = root;
            visiting = new Stack<BinaryNode<T>>();
            visitingRightChild = new Stack<Boolean>();
            preorder = false;
            inorder = true;
            postorder = false;
        /* constructor for pre-order or post-order traversal
         * @param	root of the tree to traverse
         * @param	inPreorder true if pre-order, false if post-order
        public TreeIterator(BinaryNode<T> root, boolean inPreorder) {
            this.root = root;
            visiting = new Stack<BinaryNode<T>>();
            visitingRightChild = new Stack<Boolean>();
            preorder = inPreorder;
            inorder = false;
            postorder = ! preorder;
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return (root != null);
        public T next() {
            if (! hasNext()) {
                throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("no more elements");
            if (preorder) {
                return preorderNext();
            } else if (inorder) {
                return inorderNext();
            } else if (postorder) {
                return postorderNext();
            } else {
                return null;
        // return the node at the top of the stack, push the next node if any
        private T preorderNext() {
            if (visiting.empty()) {	// at beginning of iterator
            BinaryNode<T> node = visiting.pop();
            T result = node.item;
            // need to visit the left subtree first, then the right
            // since a stack is a LIFO, push the right subtree first, then
            // the left.  Only push non-null trees
            if (node.right != null) {
            if (node.left != null) {
            // may not have pushed anything.  If so, we are at the end
            if (visiting.empty()) { // no more nodes to visit
                root = null;
            return node.item;
        /* find the leftmost node from this root, pushing all the
         * intermediate nodes onto the visiting stack
         * @param	node the root of the subtree for which we
         *		are trying to reach the leftmost node
         * @changes	visiting takes all nodes between node and the leftmost
        private void pushLeftmostNode(BinaryNode<T> node) {
            // find the leftmost node
            if (node != null) {
                visiting.push(node); // push this node
                pushLeftmostNode(node.left); // recurse on next left node
        /* return the leftmost node that has not yet been visited
         * that node is normally on top of the stack
         * inorder traversal doesn't use the visitingRightChild stack
        private T inorderNext() {
            if (visiting.empty()) {	// at beginning of iterator
                // find the leftmost node, pushing all the intermediate nodes
                // onto the visiting stack
            } // now the leftmost unvisited node is on top of the visiting stack
            BinaryNode<T> node = visiting.pop();
            T result = node.item; // this is the value to return
            // if the node has a right child, its leftmost node is next
            if (node.right != null) {
                BinaryNode<T> right = node.right;
                // find the leftmost node of the right child
                pushLeftmostNode (right);
                // note "node" has been replaced on the stack by its right child
            } // else: no right subtree, go back up the stack
              // next node on stack will be next returned
            if (visiting.empty()) { // no next node left
                root = null;
            return result;
        /* find the leftmost node from this root, pushing all the
         * intermediate nodes onto the visiting stack
         * and also stating that each is a left child of its parent
         * @param	node the root of the subtree for which we
         *		are trying to reach the leftmost node
         * @changes	visiting takes all nodes between node and the leftmost
        private void pushLeftmostNodeRecord(BinaryNode<T> node) {
            // find the leftmost node
            if (node != null) {
                visiting.push(node); // push this node
                visitingRightChild.push(false); // record that it is on the left
                pushLeftmostNodeRecord(node.left); // continue looping
        private T postorderNext() {
            if (visiting.empty()) {	// at beginning of iterator
                // find the leftmost node, pushing all the intermediate nodes
                // onto the visiting stack
            } // the node on top of the visiting stack is the next one to be
              // visited, unless it has a right subtree
            if ((visiting.peek().right == null) || // no right subtree, or
                (visitingRightChild.peek())) { // right subtree already visited
                // already visited right child, time to visit the node on top
                T result = visiting.pop().item;
                if (visiting.empty()) {
            	root = null;
                return result;
            } else { // now visit this node's right subtree
                // pop false and push true for visiting right child
                if (visitingRightChild.pop()) {
                // now push everything down to the leftmost node
                // in the right subtree
                BinaryNode<T> right = visiting.peek().right;
                assert(right != null);
                // use recursive call to visit that node
                return postorderNext();
        /* not implemented */
        public void remove() {
            throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("remove");
        /* give the entire state of the iterator: the tree and the two stacks */
        public String toString() {
            if (preorder) {
                return "pre: " + toString(root) + "\n" + visiting + "\n";
            if (inorder) {
                return "in: " + toString(root) + "\n" + visiting + "\n";
            if (postorder) {
                return "post: " + toString(root) + "\n" + visiting + "\n" +
            return "none of pre-order, in-order, or post-order are true";
        private String toString(BinaryNode<T> node) {
            if (node == null) {
                return "";
            } else {
                return node.toString() + "(" + toString(node.left) + ", " +
            	   toString(node.right) + ")";

//        /* unit test
//         * @param	arguments, ignored
//         */
//        public static void main(String[] arguments) {
//            BinaryNode<String> x = new BinaryNode<String>("x");
//            BinaryNode<String> z = new BinaryNode<String>("z");
//            BinaryNode<String> y = new BinaryNode<String>("y", x, z);
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(y));
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(y, true));
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(y, false));
//            BinaryNode<String> a = new BinaryNode<String>("a");
//            BinaryNode<String> c = new BinaryNode<String>("c");
//            BinaryNode<String> b = new BinaryNode<String>("b", a, null);
//            BinaryNode<String> m = new BinaryNode<String>("m", b, y);
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(m));
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(m, true));
//            testIterator(new TreeIterator<String>(m, false));
//        }
//        public static void testIterator(Iterator<String> it) {
//            System.out.println("it = " + it);
//            while (it.hasNext()) {
//                String result = it.next();
//                System.out.println("it.next gives " + result + "\n it = " + it);
//            }
//        }