
user software I/O


conditions for deadlock

solutions for deadlock

  1. don't try too hard to avoid it. E.g. if the situation is really unlikely, and other things cause greater unreliability, don't waste effort trying to avoid deadlock
  2. prevent processes holding resources from waiting, e.g. by requesting all resources at once, or by failing (gracefully) any process whose request cannot be granted
  3. allocate all resources in a fixed order, e.g. all printers before all disk drives, and devices of one class in ascending order. This works if (a) all processes obey this, and (b) such an order can be defined
  4. if resource requests are known in advance, can compute in advance (using the Banker's algorithm whether granting a request would make the system unsafe, and therefore refusing or delaying the request

PC Clock Hardware

Minix Clock Driver

Time of day support

Supporting Alarms and Watchdogs

Minix System Task

Supporting Fork and Exec

Minix kernel tasks

Virtual Memory in Minix

Minix I/O

Minix device drivers

Minix device driver threading

Minix device driver structure

Minix block driver

File and Block I/O structure

Block I/O operations

Scattered I/O operations

Partition Table

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