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Ochrosia compta
Alternative Botanical Names
Bleekeria compta
Ochrosia forbesii
Ochrosia holei
Ochrosia kondo
Ochrosia lamoureuxii
Ochrosia microcalyx
Ochrosia sandwicensis
Ochrosia tuberculata

Common Names
Potential or Traditional Uses
Photo of Ochrosia compta
Ochrosia compta is a small tree ranging in height from 10 to 32 feet. The leaves are 4 to 6 inches long and up to 2 inches wide. There are 2 to 4 leathery leaves growing from each node. The leaves are lighter green on the lower surface with a prominent midrib. Like other plants in this family, Ochrosia compta has milky sap. The fragrant, yellow flowers occur in small clusters at the ends of the branches. The 5 petals of the tubular flowers are spiraled. (Wagner 1990)
Habitat and Geographic Range
Ochrosia compta is an endemic Hawaiian tree found in the Wai'anae and Ko'olau Mountains of O'ahu and on the Pelekunu Trail, Wailau Valley, and Kahanui on Moloka'i. It is found scattered in gulches and on ridges in dry and moist forests at elevations ranging from 975 to 1625 feet. (Wagner 1990)
Propagation by Seeds
The 1 inch long fruits of Ochrosia compta are fleshy, pointed at both ends, and have a smooth surface. They are yellow to dark purple when ripe and often occur in pairs.

Wooliams reports that untreated fresh seeds of this species germinated in 2 weeks. These seeds had been collected in October and were sown in "Jiffy 7" peat pots. However, the seeds were collected on Kaua'i so may have been from another species of Ochrosia.

In his work, Obata found that untreated seeds of this species has a germination rate ranging from 5 to 10%. (Obata 1967; Wagner 1990; Wooliams 1972)

Propagation by Cuttings
No information located to date.
Propagation by Division
Not applicable.
Propagation by Air Layers
No information located to date.
Propagation by Grafting
No information located to date.
Propagation by Tissue Culture
No information located to date.
Obata, John K. 1967. Seed germination in native Hawaiian plants. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 6 (3):13-20.

Wagner, Warren L., Darrel R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer. 1990. Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai'i. 2 vols., Bishop Museum Special Publication 83. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press and Bishop Museum Press. p. 218.

Wooliams, Keith. 1972. From the nursery. The Bulletin of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden 2 (2):40.

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The image in this record is used with permission from Dr. Gerald Carr's Web site "Hawaiian Native Plants" at

Last updated:
17 March 2000

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