The SAS System                              1

     OBS    ROW    COL     Y    D1    D2    D3    D4    C1    C2    C3

      1      1      1      1     1     0     0     0     1     1     1
      2      1      1      3     1     0     0     0     1     1     1
      3      1      2      3     0     1     0     0     1    -1    -1
      4      1      2      5     0     1     0     0     1    -1    -1
      5      2      1      5     0     0     1     0    -1     1    -1
      6      2      1      7     0     0     1     0    -1     1    -1
      7      2      2     11     0     0     0     1    -1    -1     1
      8      2      2     13     0     0     0     1    -1    -1     1

                              The SAS System                              2

Model: MODEL1  
Dependent Variable: Y                                                  

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

  Model            3    112.00000     37.33333       18.667       0.0081
  Error            4      8.00000      2.00000
  C Total          7    120.00000

      Root MSE       1.41421     R-square       0.9333
      Dep Mean       6.00000     Adj R-sq       0.8833
      C.V.          23.57023

                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

   INTERCEP   1     12.000000    1.00000000        12.000        0.0003
   D1         1    -10.000000    1.41421356        -7.071        0.0021
   D2         1     -8.000000    1.41421356        -5.657        0.0048
   D3         1     -6.000000    1.41421356        -4.243        0.0132

                         Correlation of Estimates

 CORRB           INTERCEP              D1              D2              D3

 INTERCEP          1.0000         -0.7071         -0.7071         -0.7071
 D1               -0.7071          1.0000          0.5000          0.5000
 D2               -0.7071          0.5000          1.0000          0.5000
 D3               -0.7071          0.5000          0.5000          1.0000

                              The SAS System                              3

Model: MODEL2  
Dependent Variable: Y                                                  

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

  Model            3    112.00000     37.33333       18.667       0.0081
  Error            4      8.00000      2.00000
  C Total          7    120.00000

      Root MSE       1.41421     R-square       0.9333
      Dep Mean       6.00000     Adj R-sq       0.8833
      C.V.          23.57023

                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

   INTERCEP   1      6.000000    0.50000000        12.000        0.0003
   C1         1     -3.000000    0.50000000        -6.000        0.0039
   C2         1     -2.000000    0.50000000        -4.000        0.0161
   C3         1      1.000000    0.50000000         2.000        0.1161

                         Correlation of Estimates

 CORRB           INTERCEP              C1              C2              C3

 INTERCEP          1.0000          0.0000          0.0000          0.0000
 C1                0.0000          1.0000          0.0000          0.0000
 C2                0.0000          0.0000          1.0000          0.0000
 C3                0.0000          0.0000          0.0000          1.0000

                              The SAS System                              4

                      Analysis of Variance Procedure
                          Class Level Information

                         Class    Levels    Values

                         ROW           2    1 2

                         COL           2    1 2

                  Number of observations in data set = 8

                              The SAS System                              5

                      Analysis of Variance Procedure

Dependent Variable: Y   
                                   Sum of          Mean
Source                  DF        Squares        Square  F Value    Pr > F

Model                    3     112.000000     37.333333    18.67    0.0081

Error                    4       8.000000      2.000000

Corrected Total          7     120.000000

                  R-Square           C.V.      Root MSE             Y Mean

                  0.933333       23.57023       1.41421            6.00000

Source                  DF       Anova SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

ROW                      1     72.0000000    72.0000000    36.00    0.0039
COL                      1     32.0000000    32.0000000    16.00    0.0161
ROW*COL                  1      8.0000000     8.0000000     4.00    0.1161