kapi'olani community college - BLT Department

Calvin Tan - Course Syllabi

Common Syllabi Components for all courses:

Contact Information (same as link found on Home Page)

Calvin Tan's Schedule and Office Hours (same as link found on Home Page)

College Policies

Student Support Services

Syllabi Components by courses:

Okinawa Churarumi Aquarium, Okinawa, Japan

Here are the courses I generally teach


Kapi`olani CC

(Please remember - from 1/2011 TO 8/2013, our computer lab is located at Mamane 103, instead of Kopiko 101)

New York City, New York, USA

Courses: Most Recent:

ACC 150 <In-person or On-line>


Fall 2011 - Online

ACC 155 <In-person or On-line>


Fall 2012 - In Person
ACC 201 <In-person, On-line, or Hybrid> Syllabi Fall 2012 - In Person

ACC 202 <In-person, On-line or Hybrid>


Fall 2012 - In-Person
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For more information about Kapio'lani Community College, please visit the website: www.kcc.hawaii.edu

For additional information about the University of Hawaii System, please go to the website: www.hawaii.edu