- SemCor word-sense tagged corpus (by WordNet senses)
- WordNet
- Senseval competitions
- Matt Chapman's FSM Simulator Java Applet
- Eliza Java Applet and source code
- Linguistic Data Consortium
- Project Gutenberg has over 40,000 free eBooks
- Claude Shannon's seminal paper on information theory
- Jason Eisner's paper, teaching video and spreadsheet for teaching the forward-backward algorithm. Please note that the spreadsheet includes the probability mass for →end (a.k.a. →stop) in the denominator of the new transition probabilities. This corresponds to correcting equation 6.38 in your textbook to sum from t=1 to T rater than to T-1 in both numerator and denominator.
- James Allen's lecture notes on Efficient Methods for Training HMMs. Please note that Jame's notes do not include transition probabilities to end/stop.
- Head-Driven Lexical Representations of Idioms in HPSG by Gregor Erbach
- PCFGs by Michael Collins
- Lexcicalized PCFGs by Michael Collins
- PropBank
- FrameNet
- VerbNet
- NLTK, Natural Language Toolkit for Python programs includes an interface to WordNet 3.0
- JAWS, Java API for WordNet Searching
- Building Watson: An Overview of the DeppQA Project from AI Magazine
- Previous ICS 661 class website
- Midterm exam solution
David N. Chin / Chin@Hawaii.Edu