I.  Scientific Revolution (1600s)
  	A.  Changing World View
   		1.  before:  religious & theological
   		2.  after:  secular & scientific
  	B.  Non-Scientific Causes
   		1.  Medieval universities
    			a) law, medicine, theology
    			b) philosophy & science
   		2.  Renaissance (recovery & patronage)
   		3.  Navigational problems --> new instruments
  	C.  Changing View of the Universe
   		1.  traditional ideas 
    			a) Aristotelian view 
    			b) Ptolemy’s rules
   		2.  Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) 
    			a) sun-centered universe
    			b) criticized by religious leaders 
   		3.  doubting traditional astronomy
    			a) new star (1572)
    			b) new comet (1577)
   		4.  Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
    			a) Tycho Brahe’s assistant
    			b) three laws of planetary motion
    			c) proved the solar system
   		5.  Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 
    			a) conducted experiments 
    			b) telescope observations
    			c) symbol of conflict (religion vs. science)
   		6.  Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
    			a) discovered calculus
    			b) law of universal gravitation 
  	D.  Consequences
   		1.  scientific community 
   		2.  modern scientific method
Think/Write Question
Must science and religion be in opposition to each other
Do you think they could compliment each other?