I.  Identity 
	A.  Class:  bourgeoisie vs. proletariat
		1.  Karl Marx (1818-83)
    				-- wrote Communist Manifesto (1848)
   		2.  violent revolution
  	B.  Gender:  male vs. female
   		1.  Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)
    				-- est. WSPU (1903)
   		2.  extreme militancy
   	C.  Race:  white vs. colored
   		1.  Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
    				-- “social Darwinism”
   		2.  imperialism 
 II.  Nation-States
  	A.  Early Nationalism (late 1700s)
   		1.  France
    			a) common culture 
    			b) shared vision 
   		2.  United States
    			a) no common culture
    			b) new vision (common law)
  	B.  Later Nationalism (late 1800s)
   		1.  Italy
    			a) common language & clear borders
    			b) Camillo Cavour & Giuseppe Garibaldi
    			c) class & cultural divisions
   		2.  Germany
    			a) common language, but no clear borders
    			b) Otto von Bismark
    			c) Prussia vs. Austria
  	C.  Different Forms of Nationalism
   		1.  Zionism
    			a) fierce anti-Semitism
    			b) recreate Jewish homeland
   		2.  China
    			a) assimilated foreigners 
    			b) revolution to modernize 
  	D.  Anti-Colonialism 
   		1.  colonial port cities 
   		2.  revolts:  tradition & change

III.  Japan: From Isolation to Equality
 		A. Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867)
 			1. dual government = emperor & shogun
 				a) controlled daimyos
 				b) peace & prosperity
 			2. sakoku = closed country policy 
 				a) Christianity & foreign threat
 				b) Exclusion Decrees (1633)
 				c) Dutch at Deshima, Nagasaki
 			3. Commodore Matthew Perry (U.S.A.) 
 				a) Edo Bay (1853)
 				b) extraterritoriality
 			4. conflicting views
 				a) “Eastern Ethics; Western Science”
 				b) “Revere the Emperor; Expel the Barbarians” 
 		B. Meiji Restoration (1868)
 			1. Government
 				a) restored emperor’s power
 					-- Emperor Mutsuhito (r. 1867-1912)
 				b) “adopt & adapt” strategy
 					-- study abroad
 					-- foreign instructors
 				c) militarization
 			2. Economy
 				a) agriculture 
 				b) industrialization 
 			3. Urbanization
 				a) Kyoto, Osaka, Edo (Tokyo)
 				b) urban culture 
 			4. Adopting Western Styles
 				a) calendar, Sunday, metric, haircuts, clothing
 				b) compulsory education
 		C. War & Colonialism -- > equality among nations
 			1. Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)
 			2. Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)
 Do you think learning about nationalism helps you understand your identity?