Faculty Handbook


Faculty Overview

Getting Started

Classroom Concerns

Problem Solving Information

Professional Development

Faculty Connections


Faculty Evaluation

Self Assessment Plan & Contract Renewals

Tenure & Promotion



  Professional Development Resources
Faculty Evaluation

CELTT is also available to help faculty interpret and analyze their faculty evaluation feedback. There are two types of evaluation:

At the end of each semester, faculty have the opportunity to receive feedback from their students through an official KCC student evaluation form. The survey is mandatory for all probationary instructors and lecturers. You will receive specific information and directions from the Institutional Research Office on how to administer the survey instruments; please watch for, and attend to, announced timelines for student evaluations. You will receive an envelope for the forms in your mailbox with specific information. You must get the forms themselves from your department office.

Probationary instructors and lecturers also undergo peer evaluation by their departmental colleagues. Probationary faculty peer evaluations are once per semester; lecturer evaluations, once per year. Once a year, the peer evaluation for probationary faculty should include an additional non-teaching evaluation. Arrangements are made in advance by your department chair or department personnel committee to have a peer observe your class(es). The result of this class observation will be discussed with you by the evaluator and your department chair.

Self Assessment Plan & Contract Renewal

The results of peer and student evaluations form the basis for a Self Assessment Plan (for lecturers) and Contract Renewal (for probationary faculty). Check with your department chair for procedures.

Tenure & Promotion

Peer and student evaluations are also required in tenure and promotion dossiers, with complete reports and analysis of feedback.




Updated: 01.11.06  
Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology
Email: celtt@hawaii.edu