The Polarity Questionnaire
Recognizing that everyone has access to both sides of his or her brain and that there are no incorrect
answers here, mark the following statements True or False (T or F), depending on how well you
feel the statement fits you personally.
1. ____When I become upset, after cooling down I don’t need to talk, I need to be alone.
2. ____I tend to be introspective, self-conscious, thin-skinned, and psychological.
3. ____I would rather maintain and use good old solutions than find new better ones.
4. ____I talk about thoughts, things, or acquaintances more than entertainment, sports, or politics.
5. ____I am comfortable and productive in the presence of disorder and disorganization.
6. ____I find it very difficult to tolerate when my mate (or ‘‘important other’’) becomes defiant
to me in private.
7. ____I don’t need a lot of physical contact from my mate.
8. ____I like daily small reassurances of my mate’s love more than monthly large rewards.
9. ____I tend not to be very romantic or sentimental.
10.____ I am more strict than lenient with our children (or I would be if I had children).
11.____Given the opportunity, I am more of an early morning person than a late night person.
Statements alternate between left and right brain orientations. To simplify, scores are reported as
the number of possible left brain-oriented answers. That is, marking odd numbered questions True and
even numbered questions False gave 11 left brain-oriented answers. Because opposite answers gave 11
right brain answers, subjects with scores of 4 or less left brain oriented replies are considered right
brain oriented, while subjects with left brain oriented scores of 5 or above were placed in the left
brain orientation group.
B.E. Morton. (2002). Outcomes of Hemisphericity Questionnaires Correlate with Unilateral Dichotic Deafness.
Brain and Cognition 49, 63–72 (2002)