LIS 705: Asian Research Materials & Methods / Dr. Noriko Asato

General Information Website


This website offers general information for students considering taking [LIS 705]: Asian Research Materials & Methods.

This course will be offered as an asynchronous online course for students hoping to become Asian Studies Subject Specialists. I created this FAQ to help students considering taking this specialized online course.

Students in the course should use the Laulima course portal.





There are no official prerequisites to take LIS 705; however, you will have a hard time in the course if you have not yet taken LIS 601 or an equivalent basic reference course.

You do not need to be able to read an Asian language, but it will help you in the class, as will some cultural familiarity with at least one Asian culture.


Technological Requirements

Class will be delivered via a variety of online methods. You will need access to a computer with a fast internet connection. There will be at least one assignment requiring you to record a video of a presentation. You will need access to a video camera for this

Students in other LIS Programs

  1. Will need to apply with the University of Hawaii Graduate Division as an unclassified student.
  2. Contact me with your UH User ID Number and UH user name and intent to sign up for the class.
  3. You will be charged the non-resident tuition rate.
  4. You should also check with your school that they will accept this course as an elective.

Internship Requirement

One assignment will require you to do an internship under an Asian Studies Subject Specialist. Students are responsible for making their own arrangements, but I can help you to locate a library. These will have to be approved by me. If you do not live near an Asian Studies Collection you may be able to do some project online for that library. We will discuss this more in class.



There is no auditing option available.


Want to learn more about Asian Studies Librarianship? Check out: